Reasons why people don’t Recycle

από | Δεκ 12, 2020

Reasons why people don’t Recycle


Dear City Authorities, 

I am Nikoleta Balodima and I am a resident in a city where few people recycle. I would like to express my opinion about this issue and to suggest some measures that should be taken to improve the situation .

There are many reasons why people don’t recycle. One of them is that people are ignorant of recycling  and how to protect the environment. For example they don’t pay attention to that and  as a result they  throw the garbage in the same rubbish bag with the recyclable materials like paper,glass, alluminium. These people show that they don’t care about the environment. Another reason is that there are not recycling bins in my city. In this way you are not given the opportunity to recycle because  you don’t know where to throw your rubbish. So many people that may want to recycle just can’t.

There are numerous steps that should be taken. The main one I think that it is to put recycling bins in every neighborhood so as for all of us to have the opportunity to throw our rubbish. One more step is to inform the people. You can host lectures, you can distribute information leaflets and you can also hold a competition. In which ,you could organize games  through which  you can inform people about recycling. I think that it is an interesting way to learn about that .

To sum up, I hope the situation will improve  and with the measures that I suggested, I am sure that things will soon get better. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion. I hope  you take into  account my useful suggestions.

Yours Truly,

Nikoleta Balodima         

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