Hotspots for teenagers in Athens

από | Δεκ 12, 2020

Hotspots for teenagers in Athens


I’m lucky enough to live in Athens. One of the most enthusiastic and history-filled cities in the world. There are loads of popular tourist attractions in the Athens area that are worth visiting.

One place that is geared towards teenagers is the famous Acropolis. One of the old seven wonders of the world and one of the most beautiful architectural pieces in history. It is a place worth going to. You can also meet and talk to a lot of new people. If you’re hungry you can buy one of our traditional foods, the souvlaki and for dessert some baklava.

The second place that is an interest to teenagers is of course the centre of Athens where at night all of the clubs are filled to the brim. Or you can go to some events of the Municipality which includes many exciting events.

These places offer you a sense of beauty and a taste of Greek culture. I think these places are a must to visit.

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