kids and teenage celebrity

από | Δεκ 12, 2020

kids and teenage celebrity


Dear Jane Maine,

I have just read an article in the newspaper which has made me sad. I am one of your thousand fans and I really appreciate you for what you do. Being a movie star in a young ages, I think that it is really hard because of the lessons in school and many other things. I am writing to you to express my opinion about your decision to stop your acting career.

First, I think that it is natural that you want to return home and to be just a normal teenager.All these years of working in this career have made you get tired. I suggest you stop acting and go back in your hometown. You can announce to your fans that you will be taking a mini-break until you grow up. I think that many of them will understand and support you .

Secondly, I can understand the pressure that you have. I am sure that you are not able to spend your teenage years cheerfully. Because you will have to practice for your career. If your decision is to stop your acting career, then you will spend your teenage years better. The time does not go back

I think that your fans will understand you if you explain that and I am sure that they will wait for  you to grow up. And continue your career thanks for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion about this issue. I hope you take into account my useful suggestions.

Yours Truly,

Nikoleta Balodima 

10 + 6 =

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